
Nimue Skin Technology is a derma-cosmeceutical skincare developed by leading skincare scientists during the last 25 years, aiming at professional beauty market and the medical market for pre- and post-operative applications.

Nimue is known for its unique treatment system, that re-educates the skins own ability to repair itself. Professional treatments, complemented by prescribed home care ensures significant visible results, drive brand loyalty and keep clients coming back again and again in a managed process.

Nimue effectively treat the majority of skin concerns including: Fine lines, Wrinkles, Sagging, Pigmentation, Uneven skin tone, Dryness, Oiliness, Acne, Rosacea and Eczema.

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Why should you choose Nimue?

  • Nimue makes it possible for you to stand out and deliver the results consumers always ask for.

  • Efficacy and clinically proven results without causing damage or stress to the skin.

  • Nimue get you started easy: Carefully designed learning programs,  well defined prescription systems & tools packaged with attractive starter kits.
Maria Risom

Here is what your colleagues say

"With Nimue I can trust my products and I can develop my knowledge in the process with a focus on results. My customers doesn't only gets a nicer skin, they also gain confidence and joy. Achieving great results is the coolest part of my job, which is why I have worked with Nimue for 10 years".

Maria Risom, Owner of Be Treated, Copenhagen


3 phases

Treatments that deliver results

An important part of Nimue’s treatment system is prescribed homecare in parallel to salon treatments.

In 3 different phases Nimue is educating the skins own ability to repair itself. We call it the 3-phase prescribed system.

Each phase introduces stronger peels, lower PH levels and delivers even more stunning results than the one before.


Not just something we say...

Nimue should be trusted as a leader in scientific skincare to deliver transformative results. This image is one example.

This client was very happy with the result and told us that 

"My skin now gives me confidence and even my colleagues asked me what happened to my skin....."

Meet Nimue Education

Strong education is the #1 differentiator for successful salons, why we always offer Nimue therapists not only a strong brand entry education, but also ongoing specialized educations all build around the Nimue treatment menu. Meet some of our educators below, or see the education calendar here by clicking here

Mia Bromose
Education Manager Global Lead, Skincare

Jeg ved en masse om:
Jeg er den rette at spørge til råds vedr. hudpleje, produkter og ingrediensviden. Jeg sørger også for, at vi tilbyder masser af spændende, lærerige lektioner til vores hudplejeklientel.

Min passion er:
Jeg elsker at dele viden og at undervise på en afslappet og letforståelig måde, der gør uddannelse til en sjov og behagelig oplevelse. Min store passion i livet er hudpleje, aktive ingredienser og at løse vanskelige hudproblemer for andre.

Lise Isabelle Philipp
Nimue Educator, certificeret kosmetolog og mere end 10 års erfaring med at behandle hudproblemer

Jeg ved en masse om: hudpleje generelt, men især hudpleje med Nimue.

Min passion er: at give ny viden videre, inspirere de mennesker jeg møder både gennem træning, men også mine skønne kunder og skabe de rigtige rammer for en skøn oplevelse. 

Michelle Johansen
Nimue Educator, certificeret kosmetiker og mere end 11 års erfaring med at behandle hudproblemer

Jeg ved en masse om: Nimue! Og hud, behandlinger, ingredienser, hvad der virker på den enkeltes hud og tilstand, og alt derimellem.

Min passion er: Jeg elsker at undervise i Nimue, fordi det er et fantastisk mærke med resultater! Og at kunne give min passion for Nimue videre til alle de skønne mennesker ude på klinikkerne, er det bedste.

Do you want to learn more about Nimue? Sign up for the next free online webinar here

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Become a Nimue Master salon from day 1

You want to stand out and deliver amazing results? Here’s your path to Nimue!

  1. Get a Nimue test treatment in a salon around near you. It’s on us.
  2. Try out the home care products that suit your skin and explore what Nimue can do.
  3. Join the basic training and learn EVERYTHING about Nimue.
  4. Meet the Nimue team and find out how Nimue fits into your salon
  5. Choose your starter kit and begin to deliver outstanding results to your clients
  6. Complete your Nimue education as you progress, in 5 comprehensive classes
Do you want to get startet already now - then click below:
Nimue event

The Nimue family

With Nimue in your salon you become a part of a strong and professional network in Denmark and internationally. Experience:

  • Professional sparring and inspiration on a daily basis in our closed FB group NIMUE PRO TEAM DANMAK
  • Upskilling and growing with the brand with on online and physical NIMUE EDUCATION program
  • AFTER WORK sessions
  • Annual meetings with an international touch

Learn more about Nimue...

... in the free ICG App

You can expect more than 100 hours of videos and over 1000 pages of Knowledge, Passion and Great Techniques.

In exciting eLearning trainings you will be introduced to the world of Nimue and learn how the most popular applications work.

Furthermore you´ll find always the newest trend-techniques, step-by-steps, product profiles and much more in there.

We look forward to welcoming you to the app.

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