Blue Night Sky
Design by: Mel Maurice
1. Apply one coat of Midnight Meet ButterCream and cure 30 seconds. Apply a second coat of Midnight Meet and cure 30 seconds
2. Tap on Sparkle or Sequins? Glitter Gel into the inhibition layer and pull some half way down from free edge, then cure 30 seconds. Apply Flat Matte Top Coat, cure 1 min and cleanse
3. Paint tree branches using Silver Metallic ButterCream and cure.
4. Make a star using Just White ButterCream and add a few glitter pieces of Sparkle or Sequins? to the center, then cure.
5. Finish with Super Shiny Top Coat, cure 1 min and then cleanse
Here you can find the products:
Midnight Meet ButterCream
Sparkle or Sequins? Glitter Gel
Flat Matte Top Coat
Silver Metallic ButterCream
Just White ButterCream
Super Shiny Top Coat
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