Fall Florals
Design by: Ashley Biasella
1. Apply 2 coats of Mr. Peabody
2. Using Swirly Brush and a circular motion, apply Dusting for Prints in small flower patterns and cure
3. Using the same method as step 2, apply Under Investigation in the open spaces and cure
4. Using Swirly and Gold Metallic ButterCream apply vines and leaves, creating petals up and around the flowers with varying pressure of your brush
5. Using Primary White Gel Paint and Bling Stylus #1, add small dots to highlight the spaces that are left.
6. Top with Super Shiny, cure, and cleanse
Here you can find the products:
Mr. Peabody
Under Investigation
Dusting for Prints
Gold Metallic ButterCream
Primary White Gel Paint
Bling Stylus #1
Super Shiny
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