Design by: Kirsi Karvinen
1. Apply CND Shellac White Button Down. Cure.
2. Paint a partial base for the pumpkin on the tip of the nail using CND Shellac Candlelight. Cure.
3. Paint a partial base for the pumpkin on the nail above the previous one using CND Shellac Popsicle Picnic. Cure.
4. Outline the edges of the pumpkins using CND Shellac Black Pool. Add the base of the hairball to the top of the second pumpkin. Cure.
5. Add stems to the pumpkins using CND Shellac Black Pool. Add horns to the hairball using CND Shellac Devil Red. Cure.
6. Add eyes to the hairpiece with CND Shellac Lady Lilly and dotting stool. Add white edges to the red horns. Cure. Add small black dots in the middle of the white eyes. Cure.
Add CND Shellac Topcoat and cure.
Here you can find the products:
CND SHELLAC™ colors:
White Button Down
Popsicle Picnic
Lady Lilly
Devil red
Black Pool
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