
Marble Stamp


1. Apply a base colour in the desired colour. When completely dry begin stamping. If stamping onto SHELLAC, apply a thin layer of top-coat, cure, and stamp on top of that. This will allow you to re-do the stamping if not satisfied, without ruining your SHELLAC color. Stamping in top-coat sticky layer will also allow the stamping to attach better.


2. Apply a little amount of the stamping polish “Pink Love” from YOURS onto the stamping plate “Fine Marble”. Scrape quickly and without much pressure, both horizontal and vertical if needed. Use the “HALO” stamper to pick up the design.


3. While the marble design is still on the stamper work quickly and paint randomly with the stamping polish “Pink Passion”.

Nicole Fernando
Brand Ambassador
Nicole Fernando is the founder of SHE NAILDID.
She has always had an interest and passion for nail art, urban culture and street fashion, so her inspiration for her nails are a fusion of these elements.

Her aim is to create unique looks and selfexpression through nailart.
Founded in 2013 her work has been featured in ELLE Denmark, Vogue ES, L’oreal, Go Beauty, Femina & Costume.

4.Marble stamp

4. Gently apply the design on the nail, and finish off with a topcoat.



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