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Modern Art


1. Apply one layer Primary White and cure.


2. Create an unregular design with Just a Mirage. Cure.


3. Do even more unregular designs with Sahara Sunset and Primary Black. Cure.

Katarzyna Wieczorkiewicz
Brand Ambassador
My name ist Kataryna, i´m living in Germany for 10 years and i´m a passionate Nail Designer for 13 years.
I do really love my job as there are endless possibilites to be creative and lots of techniques to learn. What is love most is my clients who visit me in my salon in Angermünde, Germany.


4. Fill the nail by using another color like Pastel Yellow. Cure.



5. Add some dots and stripes. Cure.


6. Finish the design by using Flat Matte. Cure.

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