Design by: Samantha Birkett-Leigh



1. P.E.P. the natural nail. (For details see our CND™ VINYLUX™ Application & Removal Step-by-Step.)
2. Apply one layer of CND™ VINYLUX™ Studio White to the nail. Allow to dry.
3. Decant a small amount of CND™ VINYLUX™ Lilac Longing, Studio White and Its Now Oar Never onto a palette.
4. When the nail is still tacky, but not dry, use a sponge and dip into all colours on the palette.
5. Press onto the nail to leave a stippled eect.
6. Add on a little gold leaf with a nail art brush.
7. Apply a thin layer of CND™ VINYLUX™ Long Wear Top Coat. Allow to dry.



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Here you can find the products:

 CND™ VINYLUX™ Long Wear Polish Colors:

CND™ VINYLUX™ Long Wear Top Coat

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