Raw Juice from Nordic Superfood, what is that?

In this article you can get familiar with the 4 amazing, super concentrated Raw Juices from Nordic Superfood

Raw juice

NORDIC SUPERFOOD RAW JUICES - 1 teaspoon = 100 berries

  • BLUEBERRY: CONCENTRATE FROM SWEDEN - Blueberries contain high levels of potassium & vitamins E, B and K, as well as high levels of the antioxidant anthocyanin, RÅSAFT_BLÅBÆRwhich has been shown to boost eye health, protect brain cells and improve memory, vision and blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
  • LINGONBERRY: CONCENTRATE FROM FINLAND - Lingonberries contain high amounts of vitamins C, E and K. Scientific studies suggest that cranberries help to slow down fat absorption and also contain resveratrol, which helps against fungus, bacteria and other viruses in the body.
  • BLACKCURRANT: CONCENTRATE FROM SWEDEN - Blackcurrants contain vitamins A, B3, C and E and are also high in flavonoids. Blackcurrants are particularly rich in vitamin C, which contributes to increased collagen production and supports your immune system. 
  • SEA BUCKTHORN: CONCENTRATE FROM FINLAND - Sea buckthorn contains many vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B12, E and K, as well as very high amounts of vitamin C and omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. Improves mucous membranes, cell renewal and skin structure.


9,9 mg Vitamin C in 1 tsp. Raw Juice:

How much vitamin C is in 1 tsp. sea buckthorn berries vs. Nordic Superfood Sea Buckthorn Raw Juice concentrate? In one tsp. Raw Juice, there is 9.9 mg of vitamin C, while one teaspoon of sea buckthorn berries provides 1.3 mg of vitamin C. This means that our Sea Buckthorn Raw Juice concentrate is a true vitamin C bomb! And did you know that one sea buckthorn berry is equivalent to the same amount of vitamin C as 5 oranges?

Sea Buckthorn is the only berry that contains the fatty acids omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. Along with macadamia nuts, sea buckthorn berries are alone in containing omega 7 in natural form. Omega 7 is essential for a well-functioning body and especially for cell membranes, mucous membranes and intestines.

POTASSIUM - an important mineral for the body:

Potassium is an element that is part of the body's salts, but what does potassium do in the body? Potassium contributes to normal muscle function and the normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as maintaining normal blood pressure. Potassium is essential for the body's cells to function and communicate with each other. 

A lack of potassium will cause nerve disorders, muscle weakness and heart problems in particular. The most common cause of potassium loss is diuretic medication, but it can also occur with diarrhoea and certain diseases. Magnesium deficiency and very high consumption of liquorice can also increase potassium loss.

Nordic Superfood BLUE berry powder and BLUEBERRY Raw juice are both ultra-powerful options for optimal natural potassium supplements! 1 teaspoon of either of these contains a minimum of 54.5 mg of potassium:


Find lots of inspiring recipes with collagen, berry powders and raw juices HERE

Learn even more about Nordic Superfood and By Myrberg products with our e-learning HERE

Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women? Can they all use Nordic Super foods? 

YES! while collagen does not make sense for children who still have a high natural production, all berry/plant powders and raw juices are absolutely suitable for anyone who eats a regular diet - because this is also just FOOD, in a pure and concentrated but 100% natural form that the body can use as needed - you cannot overdose.

Therefore, the answer is the same for pregnant and breastfeeding women: YES! all the products including collagen supplements are extremely suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women and could also be great for older and/or family members with a small intake of food and nutrients.


Buy your professional start-up package for your clinic or salon HERE - we look forward to having you as a Nordic Superfood reseller :-) only applies to industry-recognised CVR numbers.

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