All steps and many helpful tips for a perfect Sugaring treatment with Perron Rigot™
Advantages: Sugar paste is a completely safe and natural product, suitable even for the most sensitive clients, who may react with allergic reactions to traditional waxing. The method is suitable for all areas of the body and offers great results especially for shorter hair. No additional tools are required.
Requirements: Sugaring is considered more demanding, as it requires regular practice. However, once you become familiar with the technique, you will master an all-purpose, clean and quick method of hair removal.
Heating instructions: Set the heater to minimum (about 50 °C) about 30-45 minutes before the treatment. Sugar'Expert must be used at lukewarm temperature. The consistency should be smooth.
Caution. Do not overheat the paste, as this will affect its structure and it will need to cool for a long time before treatment.
Step 1 - Purifying Blue Lotion and talcum powder
Spray Blue Lotion onto a pad and use it to clean the area to be treated. Apply talcum powder to damp areas such as the bikini line or underarms. Moisture prevents the sugar paste from sticking to the skin and makes hair removal impossible. Important. Do not apply any other products before hair removal!
Step 2 - Prepare skin

Longer hair must first be shortened. Make sure that the area to be treated is dry. Test the temperature of the product on your forearm and only then apply it.
Step 3 - Prepare paste

Take some sugar paste between your index, middle and little finger and work it into a ball by rotating it with your thumb. The sugar paste should only be on the fingertips.
Step 4 - Apply paste

Stretch the skin tissue in the area to be treated. Apply the paste against the direction of hair growth in the form of a strip and smooth it with your fingertips. Finish with a swirling motion to release the fingers from the product.
Smooth the strip twice more.
Apply the paste slowly so that it adheres perfectly to the hair and does not heat up too quickly, which could change its texture.
Important! Do not apply the paste more than twice on the same area.
Step 5 - Remove paste

When smoothing the paste for the last time, it is important to go further than the previous two times and then remove the strip with a safe movement (close to the skin surface), stretching the surrounding skin with the other hand.
The paste must be removed in small increments and not in a single stroke. Always have another scoop of the paste ready between applications to use to remove the strip.
If any hair remains following the removal, apply another small strip, but this time only with your index finger.
Pro Tip: The temperature of the paste changes quickly and depends on many factors. If the paste is too hard and therefore difficult to apply, simply add a few drops of water.
Step 6 - Aftercare
To finish the treatment, go over the skin with a warm compress or gauze pad to remove all residues and avoid a sticky skin feeling.
Then proceed with aftercare products tailored to the needs of the client. A good choice, for example, is Jasmine Oil. Finally, apply the Refreshing Gel.
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