Can stress lead to inflamed skin and premature ageing?

Whether we are stressed in our minds or stress is triggered by environmental factors, stress is linked to health problems such as asthma and lung disease and even anxiety disorders.


On the skin, stress causes both visible and invisible damage:

✔ Inflammation

✔ Dehydration

✔ Increased skin temperature

✔ Reduced cell renewal

✔ Degraded skin barrier

✔ Increased sebum production

One of the hormones the skin produces during stress is CORTISOL, which has a short and long-lasting effect on the skin. Chronic stress causes permanently elevated cortisol levels, which is suspected to increase the risk of heart disease, depression and weakened immune system. Long-term elevated levels of cortisol also lead to inflammation, an inflammatory condition that slowly breaks down the body and skin.

Is there a way to lower cortisol levels in the skin? Yes, there is! With SKIN REGIMEN

SKIN REGIMEN is designed for the "urban" consumer who is exposed to high levels of associations and often has a fast-paced and demanding lifestyle. SKIN REGIMEN counteracts the negative effects of stress, pollution and inappropriate lifestyles for healthier, more radiant skin. SKIN REGIMEN is made with a 100% natural and functional fragrance, clinically tested as non-irritating and with proven positive effects on the user's stress response.

An independent pilot clinical evaluation conducted by the University of Parma* showed that:

1) The SKIN REGIME provides immediate positive stimulation of neural components associated with wellbeing, relaxation and the management of stress-related disturbances.

2) After 28 days:

- Cortisol levels in skin and body reduced - Reduced perception of anxiety - Improved stress management.

* Use of SKIN REGIMEN Tri-Peptide Cream and Micro-Algae Essence twice a day. Clinical evaluation based on ECG, saliva samples and psycho-metric and behavioural tests.