What can your base coat take?

Do you know how to test the quality of your (Rubber) Base before you use it on customers?

Rubber Base is a new trend. As a base gel, it is supposed to provide the foundation for all kinds of applications and thus extend the durability and prevent lifting. Applied alone, it is supposed to strengthen brittle, fragile natural nails. In order for it to do what it's supposed to do, it needs to be of a good quality. That means it must have a certain strength.

Jim McConnell shows in his Chemist Corner with which test you can judge the quality of Rubber Base. You can use the same principle to test any other base for quality and properties.

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All you need for this test is your lamp, a stencil and the (rubber) base you want to test. Paint the base onto the stencil, cure it for 30 seconds, remove the sticky layer and look closely at the plastic film that has formed. Does it tear easily? Is it immobile or can it be bent easily?

There are many different rubber bases on the market with different properties. They can be thinner, thicker, stiffer or more stretchy. With the test on the template you can easily test and compare which properties your (rubber) base has. If it is thin, if it has enough flexibility or if it lacks strength.

So you don't need more than a curing light and a stencil to evaluate your base. In the end, you just need to decide what properties you want for your purposes.


Jim McConnell is co-founder and head chemist of Light Elegance. He has a degree in chemistry with a minor in mathematics, physics and biology. In the Chemist Corner, he shares in a simple and entertaining way what is included in your nail design products and what you should avoid when choosing them.