What happens to your skin during the journey to a healthy and strong skin?
A transitional period is normal during the journey to healthy and strong skin!
Switching to a new skincare brand is not always without problems. No two brands are alike and this especially goes for Nimue which aims to treat the cause of the skin condition and not just to soothe or calm it on the surface. Reeducating the skin into being perfectly healthy, selfhydrating, strong, firm and sebum balanced - takes time, espeacilly after years of using classic skincare that gives the skin "what it asks for" in stead of what it actually really needs! Always regard the transition to Nimue as revolution, after the riots, stabilization will come - have patience and trust in the philosophy.
What is the difference between classical skincare and cosmecetical?
Traditional skincare has minimal regard for the dramatic improvement of ageing skin and there is no natural stimulation of skin health with the main focus on protection and beautifying the skin.
One of the skin conditions caused by external and internal factors is dehydration, which leads to visible wrinkles and lines on the skin – ageing skin. The face is the first to show these signs of ageing. With traditional skincare there is no natural stimulation of skin health, but focus on protection and beautifying the skin, the solution is often increased application of moisturizers and even development of richer products, with even higher moisture content.
What does transition period mean for my skin?
A Transitional Period may be experienced due to the structural and functional improvements caused by the active ingredients in the Nimue Skin Treatment Range. Think of it as a ‘detox’ for the skin. When starting with Nimue Skincare Products the skin may experience certain symptoms known as the Transitional Period which may appear as dryness or breakouts.
The symptoms of a transitional period can vary from person to person. The client might start to notice the following changes in the skin: Excessive oiliness, excessive dryness or slight flakiness, breakouts and/or underlying congestion moving to the surface, increased sensitivity, hyperpigmentation may appear darker initially and capillaries may also appear more visible initially.
The transitional period can start to show on the skin within 2-4 weeks of using the Nimue skin range and last up to 4-6 weeks. This is a temporary condition and with perseverance, the skin will improve. Remember that this is normal and expected, we now it almost happens to all people who starts with Nimue.

How can we make the transitional period easier? What can you do to relief the skin issues during this transitional period that is both normal and somehow expected:
A transitional period can sometimes be excessive and the skin may need some help to get through it, but make sure the client is aware that it is only temporary. Here are some good advice to help them through:
- If the skin feels more dry and sensitive than normal: Stop the use of the most active products the client is using, normally the Conditioner! Consider to switch to Conditioner Lite for some days or weeks, before reintroducing the Conditioner again, at first only in the evening and maybe only every other day. The skin reacts to the “loss” of richer creams and oils and needs time to increase it’s natural production, stimulated by the normalizing AHA’s and other actives in Nimue. Add the Pre & Post serum, TDS, Super Hydrating Mask and maybe even the Hyaluronic oil to the skin regime during this period.
- If the skin breaks out and is more oily, you would not take away any products from the routine but consider to add the Problematic Spot Treatment for locally treatment of spots and/or the Clarifying mask to matify an purify the skin even more and make sure to never skip using the Exfoliating Enzyme peeling 2-3 times a week. The skin is reacting to the deep cleansing and peeling effect of the Nimue products but it also needs time to find it’s perfect natural balance in sebum production, this takes some time and could be assisted by the Problematic TDS or the Pre & Post serum if the.
- If the issue is darker hyperpigmentation, make no changes, this is very normal due to the faster cell renewal and desquamation of dead skin cells, bringing the accumulated pigments closer to the skins surface, making them more visual. This is off course only temporary.
It can be difficult sometimes but try and advise the client to focus on the end goal…which is a healthy and strong skin.