Top tips to become succesfull with YOUNGBLOOD as a business

Building a great business with makeup in your salon can be fun. Especially, if you are on a good path. In this article or in the video above, you’ll learn all our best tips.

Build a bridge

On rough assumption, you customer came to your salon to improve something with their skin by way of a treatment. Or perhaps they wanted a set of beautifully designed nails. Regardless, the makeup probably wasn’t why they showed up.

So, to become successful with makeup in your salon, you need to build a bridge. E.g. if they came for an extraction, they may also be interested in a primer/foundation that doesn’t clog their pores and smooths textured skin. Or if they have dark circles, you may recommend the Youngblood concealer with Vitamin C that brightens, hydrates, and covers the area, without suffocating the skin. Let us take another example: They booked an appointment for a set of French tips – all they need now is a nude lip, full brows, and long lashes and then the look is complete.

Regardless, what they came for, you need to build a bridge and take the initiative to extend the service to makeup, where it makes sense. A simple way to put it is just to ask: Can I just try something else on you? -Or- Now that we have treated your skin, I can show something else that would make a big difference? This will feel natural and like a great level of service.

Use education and customer intimacy as a vehicle for building basket size

Now that you have built a natural bridge, you need to form a meaningful connection. People are influenced by other people. Simple as that. Basic psychology says that we all have a strong innate desire to be part of a group. Don’t focus on selling – focus on being part makeup expert and part helpful friend, showing your customers all the tips and tricks on how to master makeup artistry as a skill.

This involves:
1) Explaining key benefits & ingredients of the product. Just focus on a few and make it clear how it will give them something valuable or solve a challenge they have e.g. the dark circles or textured skin that they booked your help for.

2) Ask your customer if they would like you to demonstrate and teach them how to use the product. If they agree, you can incorporate more products to create a full look. Make sure that with every product in the routine you highlight product benefits and ask them to hold up a hand mirror, so that they can see your application techniques. Once you’ve showed them how you do it, try and give them the brush themselves and coach them as they apply, so that it becomes an interactive session.

3) Customer intimacy is key (most important part). Asking them something about their lives or sharing something about yourself is a great way to build a long-term relationship with your customers.

Here are some great questions & topics to get the conversation flowing:

1) What type of skin issues do you struggle the most with? This gives you an opportunity to help them solve that specific issue with a makeup product.

2) Any makeup look that you have seen that you would like to learn how to do? Show them.

3) Do you have a favorite color that you like to wear? I want to make sure we pick shades that compliment your style and skin tone. Keep in mind that they may pick a shade that in fact does not really compliment their skin tone. Acknowledge their choice but suggest something more fitting that you can try together.

4) How long time do you usually spend doing your makeup? You can suggest a routine that fits their priorities.

Once you have discussed the topic of makeup and looks you can even ask more personal questions:

5) I love your shoes! If you notice something that you like about them e.g. their earrings, their smile, their outfit etc. pay them a compliment. This is a great way to bond if you give a genuine compliment.

6) What do you do for a living? If you learn that they are a doctor with on call shifts, have a large family and train for a marathon, they may not have time for a 30 min makeup routine. Try and suggest a 5 min. makeup, with just the essentials e.g. from the Face Basic assortment.

7) If you are into wellness, I have a great recommendation for a spa that I love.

It really doesn’t matter what small talk topics you choose. It just need to feel natural and fun. Its about you taking a genuine interest in your customers, learning about their pain points when it comes to their skin and forming a meaningful connection, while giving them some valuable tips on how to do makeup.

These tips will skyrocket your success with Youngblood and keep them coming back for more!



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